Quad and its effect on World Politics

2 min readAug 14, 2021


You all have heard about Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (QSD, also known as the Quad). We also have heard that Quad diplomatic and military arrangement as a response to increased Chinese economic and military power.

Leaders of Quad

Sometimes referred to as “ASIAN NATO”, by Chinese diplomats. Quad got formed during the 2017 ASEAN Summits in Manila. All four former members led by Shinzō Abe, Narendra Modi, Malcolm Turnbull, and Donald Trump agreed to revive the quadrilateral alliance in order to counter China militarily and diplomatically in the South China Sea. Tensions between Quad members and China have led to fears of what was dubbed by some commentators as “a new Cold War” in the region.

The Quad, composed of the United States, Australia, India, and Japan, is not a formal alliance. Still, the group has intensified its security and economic ties as tensions with China rise.

Advantages for India in Quad

  • It may get a permanent seat at UNSC.
  • India as part of a new “Great Game” in Asia.
  • India’s approach towards a free and open Indo-Pacific.
  • India finds itself comfortable with the four democracies to collaborate and ensure a rule-based order in Indo-Pacific.
  • Quad provides India a platform to address power asymmetry in Asia and Indo-Pacific.
  • India has to preserve its strategic interest in maritime domain in Indo-Pacific, especially with Beijing’s emergence as a revisionist power in Indo-Pacific through its Silk Road strategy.

How has China responded?

China’s relations with each of the Quad members have become more tense during the pandemic.

  • U.S.-China tensions remain high; Beijing’s frustration was conspicuous when the new Biden foreign policy team had its first meeting with its Chinese counterpart in Alaska in March.
  • Australia continues to bear the brunt of Chinese economic sanctions after suggesting a World Health Organization investigation into the origins of COVID-19.
  • India and Japan have clashed with China over territorial disputes.
Quad Meeting

Future of Quad

The Indian Ocean and the Pacific remain vital geo-strategically for India to be a regional and global player. India needs to also scale up its engagements in the region to be one of the norm makers.

India should continue to aspire for becoming net security provider in Indian Ocean in order to maintain peace, stability, and autonomy of the region. It should not only act in order to contain China in the region, but also to build individual capability to become an influential global power in the current multipolar international order.

Do comment to me about your opinion.




Written by Mayach

Crypto and Law enthusiast and avid reader of Indian Culture.

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